Blog Post

What is your online marketing strategy?

MountainTop Digital Marketing Inc • Sep 01, 2018

It's official, I have a blog and I know how to use it.

You finally did it!! You opened up your dream business and your doing what you LOVE!! Now how do you get clients to call you or visit your place of business? That is the question that many small business owners ask themselves everyday. You have a budget for your advertising and you want to make sure you spend it wisely.

I have been in business for over 14 years, and I have helped numerous business people like yourself in making their business successful. From the very beginning from a very young age, I have been fascinated by the concept of business and marketing. The question for most business owners is how do I get the word out about my business, and let people know I have a solution? Also not spend alot of money doing it!

Well from years of studying the fascinating world of marketing and being even more fascinated by online marketing. I can tell you that most people start their search about a product or business online. You need to have an online marketing presence. Not only do you NEED a online marketing presence, you need an online marketing strategy.

The very first step in a marketing strategy is to have a website. When I say website, I don't just mean any website. You need a website that the search engines can find your business and when they crawl your site to know what kind of business you are in. You need potential clients to find your business when they are searching. Now there are thousands of companies that offer to build your website or now a days you can even build your own. That does not mean search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing will find your business. You need to make sure that your site has the basic SEO down when it is build. This can get expensive because it is more technical then just building a site.

You also have to make sure your website has original content written with good keywords. This is one of the many ranking factors for Google. If your content is not original or generic it can actually bring your rankings down. Not good if you want to be found online. Another ranking factor is that your site be a responsive design. So it doesn't matter if the customer is searching on a mobile phone, tablet or desktop it is still easy to read.

Here at MountainTop Digital Marketing Inc in Rockford IL specialize in helping business owners with building their website. Making sure when it is published that you have the basic SEO standards, original high quality content, responsive design, remarkable downloading speeds.
Most of all be AFFORDABLE for small business owners. I would LOVE to talk to you more about it. So if you would like a free website evaluation do not hesitate to contact me. I would love to help you.

Now this is the very first step in a marketing strategy. Stay tuned for more information on the next steps to a good marketing strategy.

By Mountaintop Digital Marketing 05 Feb, 2019
In 2020 being a local business, you are either doing online marketing right or doing it wrong. There is no middle ground in online marketing. The competition is strong!! Do you know how many customer's you're getting from online? The average customer coming from online is twice the value of a customer coming from any other source of media. The reason being is because the customer you are getting from online, is ready to make a purchase or move forward with services immediately. If your tooth hurts, you find a dentist, if your windows need replacing you find a contractor, if your grass needs cutting, you find a landscaper. This type of customer is already interested. Now more than ever people are going to their computer's or mobile phone and typing in their problem and finding a solution. Is your business being found online? There are many ways to stand out online and be found, here are quick tips to help you get started. Website- It's not enough to just have a website. Your website has to be modern and up to date. Make sure you optimize your website often. Google - You NEED a Google Business page. Make sure that page "wows" your prospective customers. Offers- You should have converting offers to call your business and take action. Facebook - We are seeing a trend, that Facebook fans convert at a higher rate and lower cost-per-lead than any other marketing channels. E-mail Marketing - In your marketing make sure you collect e-mail address, so you can send special offers to your repeat customers to stay in touch with them.
By Mountaintop Digital Marketing 29 Jan, 2019
Imagine that your furnace is not working. Where do you turn to? Are you going to look in a phone book, or remember the commercial you saw on TV last week, or maybe the ad you heard on the radio? If you're like most people, you are going to take out your smartphone and Google companies around you that can come and repair your furnace. You may also, go on Facebook and ask your friends for recommendations. Either way, you are most likely to use your smartphone to look for a company. This goes for any service or product. The internet has changed the way people do business in a good way. It's very affordable for a small business to market online and be in front of consumer when the consumer is looking for that type of business or product. You cannot do this with TV or radio ads. You have to hope the consumer remembers your name. The other issue with TV and radio ads is not only the cost, but there is no way you can track your ROI (return on investment) You can spend a lot of money on TV and radio ads and have no idea on the return. Whereas with online marketing not only are you there online when the consumer is looking for you, you can track your investment. That speaks volumes! The other beautiful thing about online marketing is that you can target your audience. So you're not blasting your ad to the wrong kind of audience that has no interest in your service or product. Some of the avenues you can use are Google paid Ads or Facebook Ads. Also investing in a quality company website, that has healthy SEO tactics. These are some ideas on how your business can be found.
By Mountaintop Marketing 23 Jan, 2019
Tip on social media marketing.
By National Top Digital Marketing 01 Sep, 2018
Anyone can make one: For better or worse, anyone can write a blog post about anything they want. Everyone has a voice and the best voices will rise to the top. The writer can show their personality: In blog posts, the writer has more leeway to add in their voice and personality than other types of writing. Blogs are a great form of mass communication: You can help people, learn new things, entertain your audience-the possibilities are endless and amazing. Blogging opens up all of these to a very wide audience. You can make money: Get the right blog going and you can make a lot of money through advertising and sponsored posts. It allows people to craft better thoughts: Instead of reading haphazard, uneducated Facebook statuses, it's much better to see people's thought process in a well-written blog post. You can establish a community: Blogging allows you to connect with other individuals who share the same interests. Sharing ideas and opinions within your community helps establish yourself as a thought leader. Good for SEO: Keeping content on your site fresh and relevant, you can use your blog to boost the search engine ranking (SEO) of your site and your business. It brings people back to your site: If your blog is strong enough and updated regularly, people will come back looking for more and bring traffic back to your site as well. It's free: It costs you a grand total of zero dollars to post to the blog, so if you have something to say, there's nothing to stop you. You can establish yourself as a thought leader: A blog is a great place for your original thoughts, and it can be a wonderful way to show off your individuality. If people like your ideas, you can become a thought leader in your industry! What else do you love about blogs? Let me know!
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